Grades are determined by a combination of three factors:
70% tests and quizzes: point totals will be marked on all examinations. The marking period grade will reflect a weighted average of all examinations. A final exam will be given at the end of the semester, reflecting work covered throughout the semester.
15% class work: consists of specific assigned tasks during class time, which are graded. There is also a component that recognizes class participation. This course relies on activities, group efforts, and whole class discussion as important parts of the learning experience. Points will be assigned to different components of class work on a rotating basis. For example, some days will consist of a notebook check or a collection of the Do Now. A log will be kept of students going to the board to put up prior homework problems or work on current work problems.
15% homework: will be assigned daily and collected. Homework is marked based on effort and work shown. Completed homework assignments are expected to be written neatly on clean paper or the original handout, clearly labeled with name, date, and the assignment. Homework is due the next time class meets, unless directed otherwise. Your marking period homework grade consists of the percentage reflecting your completed assignments over the total number of assignments.
e diel, 27 janar 2008
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