I think I need to do my homework!

e martë, 29 janar 2008

Aims week of 1/30

Aim 1: How do we collect and organize data?
hw: pg 296 1,2,3,7,8

Aim 2: How do we describe a linear equation?
hw: pg 299 2-10 even

Aim 3: How do we find a line of best fit?
hw: none

e diel, 27 janar 2008

Spring 2008 Semester Opening Comments

The nice thing about the beginning of 2nd semester is that everyone gets a fresh start. YOU have the primary responsibility for what gets done and how much you will learn. If you want maximum results from this course, keep the following in mind:

* Your primary responsibility is to think about mathematics!

* Thinking requires that you be active in your learning.

* You will need to read the book and do your homework every night to practice thinking.

Spring 2008 Grading Policy

Grades are determined by a combination of three factors:

70% tests and quizzes: point totals will be marked on all examinations. The marking period grade will reflect a weighted average of all examinations. A final exam will be given at the end of the semester, reflecting work covered throughout the semester.

15% class work: consists of specific assigned tasks during class time, which are graded. There is also a component that recognizes class participation. This course relies on activities, group efforts, and whole class discussion as important parts of the learning experience. Points will be assigned to different components of class work on a rotating basis. For example, some days will consist of a notebook check or a collection of the Do Now. A log will be kept of students going to the board to put up prior homework problems or work on current work problems.

15% homework: will be assigned daily and collected. Homework is marked based on effort and work shown. Completed homework assignments are expected to be written neatly on clean paper or the original handout, clearly labeled with name, date, and the assignment. Homework is due the next time class meets, unless directed otherwise. Your marking period homework grade consists of the percentage reflecting your completed assignments over the total number of assignments.

Class Rules

Class Rules

Entering class.
Please enter class quickly and quietly by the front door. Take your assigned seat and get out your materials to work. Copy the Aim and the Do-Now for that day's lesson into your notebook. Work on the Do-Now until the teacher calls for your attention.

Participating in class.
Class participation is an important part of your learning and of your grade. Please raise your hand if you have a question or wish to participate in a discussion. There is no calling out of answers or other comments in the classroom at any time.

Students are expected to write down the aim of each lesson, to take notes during class, to complete in-class assignments, to keep handouts, and to hold on to returned tests and homework. It is imperative that students have an organized system for keeping all these materials together. Whether a student chooses to use a binder with appropriate sections or a combination of binder and notebook, the entire collection is referred to as the math notebook.

If you arrive late to class, enter quietly by the front door. Sign the late log with your name and the time. Take your seat without any fuss or conversation, and prepare to join the work in progress. Repeated lateness will result in detention.

Homework will be assigned each night. It forms an important part of your learning experience and of your grade. It should be written neatly on clean paper or the original handout, clearly labeled with your name, date, and the assignment. Homework is due the next time class meets, unless you have been told otherwise. And finally, homework must be written legibly — if I can not read it, I can not give credit for it.

A student who is absent should bring a note from home to explain the absence. Students are responsible for making up work that they have missed, and for meeting deadlines for projects, tests, and other tasks.

All members of the class are expected to show respect for each other, teacher and students alike. We respect each other by taking care of the property and environment of the classroom, by listening when it is someone else's turn to speak, and by accepting the fact that we will all make mistakes. Mistakes are an important part of how we learn, and are not an opportunity to make fun of someone else. We are here to help each other. Disrupting the class is disrespectful to others and will not be tolerated.

Web Site.

To help students and parents keep up with general course information, I will be maintaining a web blog that can be accessed at http://rkamath-msgordon.blogspot.com/

More information about the general rules and expectations for success at RKA can be found in the Student Planner.


e diel, 6 janar 2008

Aims week of 1/7:

All lessons this week will be geared towards reviewing for the final. Homework will be on worksheets.

Link to review sheet from regentsprep.org: http://www.regentsprep.org/Regents/math/geometry/FormulaSheetGeometry.pdf

e martë, 1 janar 2008

Aims week of 1/2:

Note: Final Exam for 1st Semester will encompass all material covered: PH chapters 7-12, please reference prior postings for more detail.

Aim 71: Circle catchup - area of sectors, radian measure, and arc length
hw: assigned problems on worksheet

Aim 72: What are the coordinates of a point on a unit circle?
hw: assigned problems on worksheet.

Aim 73: How can we prove relationships in circles?
hw: none