I think I need to do my homework!

e diel, 16 dhjetor 2007

Aims week of 12/17:

Aim 66: Chapter wrap-up; review exercises in book
hw: study for test

Aim 67: Chapter 12 test
hw: none

Aim 68: How can we calculate the area of sectors in circles
hw: tba

Aim 69: How can we construct a circle proof
hw: tba

Aim 70: Circles wrap up
hw: remember the project is due 1/15/08

e diel, 9 dhjetor 2007

Aims week of 12/10:

Aim 61: What are inscribed angles?
hw: pg 248 2,6-9

Aim 62: How do we measure angles formed by chords, secants, and tangents?
hw: pg 252 6,8,10,12,15,17

Aim 63: continuation of angles formed by chords, secants, and tangents.
hw: pg 258 2,4,6,8,11

Aim 64: continuation of angles formed by chords, secants, and tangents?
hw: pg 258 1,3,5,7,9

Aim 65: How do we measure circles and lengths of segments?
hw: none

e hënë, 3 dhjetor 2007

Fractal Project - Due January 15, 2008

Fractal project:

This project has been adapted from a webquest designed by Sharon Swihart: http://www.manteno.k12.il.us/webquest/middle/Math/Fractals/fractalquest.htm

What IS a fractal? Is it more than an interesting shape? Who uses them and for what reason? In this project, you will find answers to these questions and begin your understanding of fractals.

Through this project you will become more familiar with fractals by exploring a variety of resources. First you will develop a working definition of fractals. Then you will move into your role of Mathematician, Historian, Application Expert and Artist to learn more. You will hand in a report answering the questions posed by each role and include some fractal work that you create.

You may use the supplied Web resources or do your own research to answer the questions and do the required activities. Prepare a report that includes a section for each part detailed below. Your report should include a page that lists all resources that you used.
PH Chapter 10 project links: pages 144,158,165,171

I. Mathematician - Your job will be to explore fractals mathematically. In your written report you should include the answers to the following:

1. What is a fractal?
2. To what branch of mathematics do fractals belong?
3. What mathematics and tools are needed to produce fractals?
4. Give an example of a formula that produces a fractal and show the fractal it produces.
5. What is fractal dimension? What formula is used to determine this? Give an example.

II. Application Expert - Your job will be to determine how fractals are used. In your written report you should include the answers to the following:

1. How are fractals used in mathematics?
2. What other fields use fractals and to do what? Give at least two examples.
3. What is an iteration and how does it apply to fractals?

III. Historian - Your job will be to investigate both the history of fractals and some of the current work being done in fractals. Your report will need to include the answers to the following:

1. How long have fractals been around?
2. Who is the "father of fractals" and when did he begin his work? Give an example of his work. (Is he still around?)
3. Who are two other mathematicians who have worked with or are currently researching fractals? Briefly describe what they are doing.

IV. Artist - Your job will be to investigate fractals as art. Generate your own fractal image either by sketching on paper or using a computer generated program. Include a description of how you generated the image. You may reproduce a known fractal like Sierpinkski’s triangle or a Koch snowflake or create your own image. Do not simply print an image from the web.

e diel, 2 dhjetor 2007

Aims week of 12/3:

Aim 56: Complete test, discuss Fractals project.
hw: review project handout and return with questions.

Aim 57: How can we write the equation of a circle?
hw: pg 230 2,4,7-10,12,22,24

Aim 58: What is a tangent to a circle?
hw: pg 238 2,4,6,8,11

Aim 59: continuation of properties of tangents to circles.
hw: tba

Aim 60: What are properties of chords & arcs in circles?
hw: none

Links to regentsprep.org Circles

Link to Equations of Circles:

Link to Chords & Circles:

Link to Tangents & Circles:

Link to Rules for Dealing with Chords, Secants, Tangents in Circles:

e diel, 25 nëntor 2007

Aims week of 11/26:

Aim 52: Applied problems using Law of Sines & Cosines.
hw: pg 734 2,4,6,8,10,12 ** note - this page is in a different part of your text book.

Aim 53: How do we solve force problems using the Law of Cosines?
hw: finish worksheet

Aim 54: What's an alternative approach to calculating the area of triangles?
hw: pg 217 2,6,10,12,19

Aim 55: Chapter review and wrap-up - complete exercises pg 221 -222
hw: study for test

Aim 56: Test - Chapter 11
hw: none

e hënë, 19 nëntor 2007

Aims week of 11/19:

Aim 49: Chapter test
hw: none

Aim 50: What is the Law of Sines?
hw: pg 225 1-4,6-8

Aim 51: What is the Law of Cosines?
hw: none

Thursday & Friday: Thanksgiving: Have a good holiday!

Links to regentsprep.org Law of Sines & Law of Cosines

link to law of sines:

link to law of sines, ambiguous case:

link to law of cosines:

link to deriving law of sines & cosines:

link to area of a triangle & parallelogram:

e martë, 13 nëntor 2007

Mathematics Problem Solving Competition - Due 11/23/2007


SEMESTER 1, 2007-8



It takes one man one day to dig a 2m x 2m x 2m hole. How long does it take 3 men digging at the same rate to dig a 4m x 4m x 4m hole?

Explain your solution very clearly.

Due Date: Friday, November 23, 2007

* Your entry must clearly show your name, school name, mathematics class code, teacher’s
name and date of submission
* All steps must be clearly shown.
* The most accurate and best presented entry will win the prize.
* Your mathematics teacher will give you credit for your entry and you will also receive a
certificate for participating.


MPSC THREE WEEK PROBLEM #3, 2007-8 Tom Frossinakis (AUSSIE) November4, 2007

e hënë, 12 nëntor 2007

Aims week of 11/12:

Monday: Veteran's Day - no school

Aim 45: How do we classify the angle of elevation and angle of depression?
hw: pg 200 1,3,4,6

Aim 46: What is the relationship between vectors and trig ratios?
hw: pg 207 2,4,6

Aim 47: How do we add vectors?
hw: pg 212 2,4,6,8,12

Aim 48: Chapter checkpoint - review exercise
hw: none

e diel, 4 nëntor 2007

Aims week of 11/5:

Aim 41: Chapter 10 Wrapup
hw: pg 183 1-10

Tuesday 11/6: no school

Aim 42: How can we use the tangent ratio?
hw: pg 189 2,4,10,12,14,26

Aim 43: How can we connect tangent ratio to coordinate geometry?
hw: study for test

Aim 44: Test - similar figures
hw: none

e diel, 28 tetor 2007

Aims week of 10/29:

Aim 36: What is the side splitter theorem?
HW: Study for test

Aim 37: What have we learned about similarity - Chapter Test
HW: none

Aim 38: What is the side splitter theorem? Happy Halloween!
HW: none

Aim 39: What is the relationship between perimeter for similar figures?
HW: pg 169 2,6,10,12,14

Aim 40: What is the relationship between perimeter, area, and volume for similar figures?
HW: none

e hënë, 22 tetor 2007

Properties of Similar Figures

Link to definition of similar triangles:

Link to proving triangles are similar:

Link to mean proportional in a right triangle:

The RATIO OF SIMILARITY between any two similar figures is the ratio of any pair of corresponding sides. Simply stated, once it is determined that two figures are similar, all of their pairs of corresponding sides have the same ratio. This can also be called the SCALE FACTOR.

An equation stating that two ratios are equal is called a PROPORTION.

Aims week of 10/22:

Aim 31: What are similar figures?
HW: pg 141 2,6,10,14,18

Aim 32: How do we prove figures are similar?
HW: worksheet 2-12 even problems

Aim 33: What are applications of similar triangles?
HW: pg 149 2,4,6,11,14,23

Aim 34: If you draw an altitude in a right triangle what happens?
HW: pg 156 1,16,28, 30

Aim 35: What is the mean proportional in a right triangle?
HW: none

e diel, 14 tetor 2007

Aims week of 10/15:

Aim 26: What are trapezoids and kites?
HW: pg 115 2,12,13,14,16

Aim 27: How can we prove it's a trapezoid using coordinate geometry?
HW: pg 115-116 4,6,24 pg 118 32,33

Aim 28: Chapter wrapup (PSAT administered in morning impacting period 1,4)
HW: none

Aim 29: Chapter wrapup - worked on chapter review problems on pg 131
HW: pg 135 1-8

Aim 30: Algebra Review: How can we solve a system of equations?
HW: none

e hënë, 8 tetor 2007

Aims week of 10/8:

Monday 10/8 - no school - Columbus Day

Aim 22: How can you identify the quadrilateral using coordinate geography?
HW: pg 108 7,9,11,15,17

Aim 23: continuation of coordinate geometric proofs
HW: pg 122 2,4 , pg 124 31,1,3

Aim 24: continuation of coordinate geometric proofs
HW: study for test

Aim 25: What have we learned about Quadrilaterals - Test
HW: None

e martë, 2 tetor 2007

Mathematics Problem Solving Competition - Semester Problem


SEMESTER 1, 2007-8



Using the digits from the year 2008, write expressions which equal the numbers from 0 to 100.

* All four digits must be used, but no other
number may be used.
* Any mathematical operation may be used.

Some examples: 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 10; 8 – 0(0 + 2) = 8; 82- 0 + 0 = 64.

Due Dates:
· Numbers 0 to 25: October 19, or sooner.
· Numbers 26 to 50: December 21, or sooner.
· Numbers 51 to 75: February 29, or sooner.
· Numbers 76 to 100: April 11, or sooner.
· Numbers 0 to 100: May 23, or sooner.

* Your entry must clearly show your name, school’s name, mathematics class code, teacher’s
name and date of submission.
* All steps must be clearly shown.
* The most accurate and best presented entry will win the prize.
* Your mathematics teacher will give you credit for your entry and you will also receive a
certificate for participating.


MPSC SEMESTER #1 PROBLEM, 2007-8, RKA Tom Frossinakis (AUSSIE) September 11, 2007

Mathematics Problem Solving Competition - Due 10/19/07


SEMESTER 1, 2007-8



A car dealer sold two cars for $9,999 each. On one car she made a 10% profit and on the other car she made a 10% loss. What was the dollar amount of her overall profit or loss on the two transactions?

Explain your solution very clearly.

Due Date: Friday, October 19, 2007

* Your entry must clearly show your name, school name, mathematics class code, teacher’s
name and date of submission
* All steps must be clearly shown.
* The most accurate and best presented entry will win the prize.
* Your mathematics teacher will give you credit for your entry and you will also receive a
certificate for participating.


MPSC THREE WEEK PROBLEM #2, 2007-8 Tom Frossinakis (AUSSIE) September 30, 2007

e diel, 30 shtator 2007

Aims week of 10/1:

Aim 17: What are the properties of a parallelogram?
HW: PH pg 93 1,2,5,10,41

Aim 18: How do we prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram?
HW: PH pg 99 4-8,15,18,21

Aim 19: What are the properties of special parallelograms?
HW: PH pg 107: 1-4,12,14

Aim 20: PSAT Test Prep:
HW: None

Aim 21: What are the properties of rhombuses, rectangles, and squares?
HW: None

e diel, 23 shtator 2007

Aims week of 9/24:

Aim 12: How can we prove right triangles are congruent?
HW: PH pg 64 1-4,12

Aim 13: What does CPCTC tell us?
HW: PH pg 71 1,2,3,7,10

Aim 14: Review of quadratic equation
HW: PH pg 81 1-6

Aim 15: What are the properties of a Parallelogram?
HW: Study for test

Aim 16: Test: Parallel lines, congruent triangles, and proofs.
HW: none

e martë, 18 shtator 2007

Aims - Week of 9/17

Aim 7: Diagnostic test
HW: none

Aim 8: What properties do congruent triangles share?
HW: PH pg 41 1,2,6,7,8

Aim 9: How can we prove triangles are congruent?
HW: PH pg 52 6,8,10,12,16

Aim 10: What are the triangle congruence properties?
HW: PH pg 52 7,9,13,20

Aim 11: Test: What have we learned about parallel lines, congruent triangles, and formal proofs?

e martë, 11 shtator 2007

Week of 9/10 Aims

Aim 5: What is a postulate, what is a proof?
HW 5: PH pg 9: 21-29

Aim 6: What is a flow chart proof?
HW 6: PH pg 16 5-8,16,17

Aim 7: Quiz 1, continuation of flow chart proofs
HW 7: None

e diel, 9 shtator 2007

Week of 9/4 Aims

Aim 1: Introduction to Math B - 1st year
HW 1: Set up notebook

Aim 2: Starting to fill the tool box
HW 2: Finish the tool box worksheet practice problems

Aim 3: How do we use the math toolkit?
HW 3: PH pg 8 4,6,8,10,12 (collected - note all future homeworks will be collected)

Aim 4: What is a mathematical proof?
HW 4: none assigned

e martë, 21 gusht 2007

Class Rules

Entering class.

Please enter class quickly and quietly by the front door. Take your assigned seat and get out your materials to work. Copy the Aim and the Do-Now for that day's lesson into your notebook. Work on the Do-Now until the teacher calls for your attention.

Participating in class.

Class participation is an important part of your learning and of your grade. Please raise your hand if you have a question or wish to participate in a discussion. There is no calling out of answers or other comments in the classroom at any time.


Students are expected to write down the aim of each lesson, to take notes during class, to complete in-class assignments, to keep handouts, and to hold on to returned tests and homework. It is imperative that students have an organized system for keeping all these materials together. Whether a student chooses to use a binder with appropriate sections or a combination of binder and notebook, the entire collection is referred to as the math notebook. The math notebook is subject to inspection during the course and may form part of the class work contribution to the grade. The entire math notebook is available to students for use on an "open notebook" test.


If you arrive late to class, enter quietly by the front door. Sign the late log with your name and the time. Take your seat without any fuss or conversation, and prepare to join the work in progress. Repeated lateness will result in detention.


Homework will be assigned each night. It forms an important part of your learning experience and of your grade. It should be written neatly on clean paper or the original handout, clearly labeled with your name, date, and the assignment. Homework is due the next time class meets, unless you have been told otherwise. If homework involves working problems, all work should be shown and the final answer clearly marked. If homework involves writing, it is expected that the writing will be done in full sentences and follow all the rules of good composition, including spelling and grammar. And finally, homework must be written legibly — if I can not read it, I can not give credit for it.


A student who is absent should bring a note from home to explain the absence. Students are responsible for making up work that they have missed, and for meeting deadlines for projects, tests, and other tasks.


All members of the class are expected to show respect for each other, teacher and students alike. We respect each other by taking care of the property and environment of the classroom, by listening when it is someone else's turn to speak, and by accepting the fact that we will all make mistakes. Mistakes are an important part of how we learn, and are not an opportunity to make fun of someone else. We are here to help each other. Disrupting the class is disrespectful to others and will not be tolerated.

Web Site.

To help students and parents keep up with general course information, I will be maintaining a web blog that can be accessed at http://rkamath-msgordon.blogspot.com/


Grades are determined by a combination of three factors:
70% tests and quizzes
20% class work (includes participation, behavior, notebook, and preparation for class)
10% homework

More information about the general rules and expectations for success at RKA can be found in the Student Planner.


Responsibilities of Students, Parents, & Teacher

Responsibilities of Students

1. Report to class on time, immediately take out binder, and review the answers to homework, or begin the Do Now.
2. Take notes and participate in all class activities including group assignments.
3. Treat my fellow students, the teacher, and others with respect at all times.
4. Observe all school rules, including those that prohibit wearing hats in class, wearing headphones or listening to entertainment devices in class, eating or drinking in class, using offensive language, or cheating. Poor classroom behavior will result in one or more of the following: -student-teacher conference—grade reduction—phone call home—parent teacher conference—meeting with administration.
5. Complete all homework on time, and make up all assignments when absent.
6. Utilize available tutoring services when I need extra assistance.

Responsibilities of Parent/Guardian

1. Provide a quiet place for my child to study.
2. Question my child on a regular basis about what he/she learned that day.
3. Monitor my child’s attendance in tutoring if appropriate for him/her to attend tutoring sessions.
4. Contact my child’s teacher and/or guidance counselor (718-796-8516) if I have any questions on my child’s progress.

Responsibilities of Teacher

1. Prepare and conduct a meaningful lesson each day.
2. Collect student work on a regular basis including examinations, projects, and homework.
3. Return student work in a timely manner and provide meaningful constructive feedback on work submitted.
4. Listen to my students, treat them with respect, and maintain an impartial and positive attitude towards them.
5. Contact parents when necessary to alert them of their children’s progress.
6. Be responsive to student’s request for assistance.

e diel, 19 gusht 2007

10 Habits of Successful Math B Students:

1. Arrive before the bell rings and ASK QUESTIONS.

2. Complete the Do Now immediately and ASK QUESTIONS.

3. Copy all notes and examples from the board and overhead projector. Add explanations and suggestions given verbally.

4. Complete all homework assignments.

5. Don’t miss class!

6. If an absence can’t be avoided get notes and complete the assignment or test ASAP (before the next class if possible.)

7. Review assignments and tests as soon as they are returned and ASK QUESTIONS.

8. Get help! Before, during, or after school.

9. Have a graphing calculator available and know how to use it to its full capability.